1730 Tuscan Heights BlvdKennesaw, GA 30152


Frequently Asked Questions

We serve ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age. We also have a program for school age children during breaks during the school year and a summer camp program.

  1. What are the ratios for your classrooms?
Class Age Range Child to Staff Ratio
Infants 6 weeks to 12 months 4:1
Toddlers 1 year old 5:1
Two’s 2 years old 6:1
Early Pre-Schooler 2 ½ – 3 years old 6-8:1
Pre-School 3 years old 8-10:1
Private Pre-K 4 years old 10:1
School Age 5-12 years old 18-20:1

We are not currently providing transportation to and from school. Once we are able to provide this service, we will include the information on our website or you may call us for additional information.

We do not offer off-site field trips at this time. We do, however, schedule activities that bring the field trip experience to our center several times a year. Parents are notified in advance of these occasions.

Yes. Our children receive a hot breakfast and lunch, and afternoon snack.

We encourage you to visit the Center and observe your child. Although young infants benefit greatly from drop-in visits during the day, older children often have difficulty understanding that when parents come to visit, they must go back to school or work. Please use good judgement when visiting your child. Children do outgrow this separation difficulty. Our staff is here to assist you with these transitions.

Currently, we do not offer this service.

Outdoor play is incorporated into the daily schedule for both the morning and afternoon in almost all weather conditions. In the event of rain, severe wind/cold, or extreme heat, we have an indoor gym to accommodate our children during their playtime.

During the enrollment process, each family completes an “Emergency Contact and Parental Consent” form. This form provides authorization for select individuals to pick-up children from the center. If the person attempting to pick-up a child is not familiar to us, we will request photo identification and check the “Emergency Contact” form. At the end of the day, staff must check the attendance clipboard to verify all children have been signed out before we close for the day.

All teachers are CPR and First Aid certified.

Our first priority at Little Minds 1st Academy is providing a healthy, safe learning environment for all children. Children/Staff/Management shall not be allowed in the center who knowingly have a fever and temperature of 101 or greater or present other symptoms that appear to be contagious.

You will be contacted and asked to pick up your child as soon as possible if any of the following is experienced: (1) an illness prevents the child from participating comfortably in activities (as determined by the staff); (2) an illness results in a greater need for care than the staff can reasonably provide without compromising the health or safety of other children in the classroom. A more detailed listing of communicable diseases can be found in the Parent’s Handbook.

The Center will administer the child’s medication provided by the parents. This includes over-the-counter and prescription medication. These medications include but are not limited to oral medications, topical ointments, and allergy medicine including Epi-Pens and sunscreen. Should you wish us to administer medications, we encourage that parents/guardians follow these instructions:

  • A medical form must be completed and signed for The Center’s record-keeping
  • Details/instructions in medical forms must match labels on the medicine containers
  • All medicines must be in their original containers with labels clearly marked
  • Teachers are not permitted to administer medicine. You must turn in all forms and medicine to the front desk
  • Our Director or Assistant Director will administer all medicines to the child per instructions on the label or doctor’s orders with the provided tools (i.e., droppers/spoons)
  • Staff will record on the child’s medical form the times and date that the medicine was given